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UX/UI Design Case Study

Perfect photo destinations at your fingertips.png


To design a responsive web app for location-based recommendations that meets the requirements of its users and solves the problems they face with existing location-based recommendation apps. I will be showing the UX design phase and the UI design phase.

UX Design Phase:

UX design phase

For this design challenge, I wanted to create a photography location-based application for users to find the best locations for shoots. In this UX design phase, I conducted a competitor analysis to discover the gaps in the market. 

After conducting the competitor analysis, I did some
user-research by interviewing individuals from an online photography community that I thought would benefit from such an application. 

The deliverables I am going to share with you for the UX design phase include:

- User-research synthesis
- User personas
- MVP & jobs to be done
- Complete user flow
- Low-fidelity prototype/usability testing

User-research Synthesis:

- loved the idea of building a community with other photographers and people alike.
- There were mentions of going to locations to take pictures and not having the necessary equipment or permits.
Noteworthy Quote
- “I want to know the good spots to shoot in that area, I want to know the best equipment to bring, and the best shots I can get” – Jason.
- They would like to have everything they need in one place.

User-research Synthesis

User Personas:

User Personas

MVP & Jobs To Be Done:


Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
The objective for this MVP is to allow photographers and people alike, to discover photography locations around the world, share them with each other, and build a stronger community to create more successful shoots/experiences.

Jobs To Be Done
Shutter Discover was created with the following feature requirements based off of the user research that will make it an MVP

- Browse, filter, and save locations: Allow users to be able to locate these spots with ease and be able to keep track of them.
- Upload/share photos: Allow users to see that people actually visited these areas. Allowing users to post their own photos and thoughts builds trust.
- Connect favorite GPS app: Allow users connect their favorite GPS app to keep them informed and allow them to accurately gauge timing and navigate to the location.
- Create/update/edit locations: This will keep the listings up to date, and make sure that the users are properly informed on the crucial details.


Complete User Flow:

Complete User Flow
user flow.png

Select GPS Screen: The user will be able to choose to connect their favorite GPS app.


Open in Google Maps: The user’s chosen GPA will open, confirm, and connect.


Relaunch App: The app will be reopened to the home page.


Discover Spots: This screen will be a page with suggestions and a search bar to search locations.


Search Location: Once clicking into the search bar, a dropdown will come up on the page allowing you to put in location search, and any filters you may want to make.


Locations in Area: A screen with all the locations that meet your criteria.


Location Listing: This screen will show the location that you click on from browsing. This will include a description, photos, $$$, distance, and a navigation option.

Low-fidelity Prototype:


I utilized the Crazy 8's method and was able to create this low-fidelity prototype for users to test.

Low-fidelity Prototype

UI Design Phase:

The deliverables I will share for the UI design phase will include:
- Moodboard
- Style guide
- Mid-fidelity wireframes
- Mock-ups

UI design phase


SD Moodboard new.png

Style Guide:

Style Guide.png
Style Guide

Mid-fidelity Wireframes:

Mid-fidelity Wireframes
home  – 1.png
search popup - 2.png
destinations – 3.png
individual listing (rental) – 4.png
individual listing – 5.png
Shutter feed - 6.png
Saved Locations - 7.png
Profile-trips - 8.png


3 (2).png


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